Thursday, January 6, 2011

Avatar The Last Airbender | Anime

Avatar The Last Airbender

Thanks To Uploader (sinchannn,ipulxd,kyogoku,gober,Insomniacs,PauL908)



Spoiler Untuk lihat komentar yang masuk:
ankino said...

Thanks for the list! Now i can watch all day long! Aang is my favorite!

ankino said...

Great list. Good to find here one of the most looking one! Thanks!

Tom J said...

Good article and the list it was useful! Cheers!

rayden said...

Great list. So much work coming from you. I should return to see what you will bring up next!

jane lane said...

I just love the anime. I am an anime lover since i was born and never stopped from watching it!

Michael! said...

Avatar-The Last Airbender it is a great movie and it sees in it a lot from the anime. Who loves the anime, it is loving the movie, especially 3D!

Billy said...

I am an anime lover since i had bought a notebook 3 years ago. But never saw something like aang or the movie! The anime was outrageous but the movie was criminal!.

MitzaSergiu said...

The many ways that the anime and movie gets along it is crazy! The anime indeed it is scifi action but seeing the movie in 3D in the local cinema it is indeed as crazy as jumping with a car over a cliff! Thanks for the reminder for what do we love anime!

Nikmaya John said...

Gue banget nih,,, thanks sob,,,,

ray said...

Great series with the last airbender! I will watch it again, from the beginning!

bogdan said...

The anime Avatar! The last airbender it is a great scene for all anime lovers! It is incredible in all it is doing! I am a lover of anime action, so i love it a lot!Thanks for the article!

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